CIL MT HR Syllabus and Exam Pattern

For any competitive exam you need road map to success,road map starts with syllabus,if you know syllabus of your targeted exam then its easy to setup you goal(s) crack the exam.Now something to know like what is CIL MT HR Syllabus and Exam Pattern then this article will help you to make your own road map for your CIL Personnel and HR Exam Success.

Here is the official syllabus of Coal India Ltd Human Resources(HR) and Personnel in detail as on Feb 2025.

As per exam pattern of CIL Management Trainee HR,there are two papers like Professional Knowledge and General Paper. In this article, you can go through each topic of professional knowledge and general paper with sub-topics. In addition to the official syllabus, we added few important topics which are expected as per earlier exam experience.

Syllabus for CIL MT HR/Personnel:

Professional knowledge of CIL MT Human Resouces(HR) consists of topics like Management,HRM,HRD,OB,IR,Labour Welfare, Labour Legislations and Labour Market with subtopics for convenience and easy to complete the topics. 15 Labour Laws also part of the syllabus.


  1. Principles and Theories
  2. Functions of Management
  3. Strategic Management
  4. Business Statistics & Research Methodology
  5. Business Ethics
  6. Personnel Management & Public Personnel Administration
  7. Business Environment 


  1. Foundations of HRM
  2. Human Resource Planning
  3. Job Analysis and Design
  4. Recruitment and Selection
  5. Placement Induction and Separation
  6. Compensation Management and Other Benefits
  7. Strategic HRM
  8. HR Audits and Accounting
  9. Human Resource Information System(HRIS) and Recent Trends
  10. International Human Resources Management(IHRM)


  1. Fundamentals of HRD
  2. Performance Appraisal
  3. Training and Development
  4. Talent management
  5. Organizational Development(OD) and Managing Change


  1. Fundamentals of OB
  2. Individual Behaviour
  3. Group and Team Behaviour
  4. Motivational Theories
  5. Leadership Theories
  6. Communication
  7. Industrial Psychology
  8. Knowledge Management


  1. Foundations of IR
  2. Industrial Disputes
  3. Trade Unionism
  4. Industrial Conflict and Code of Conduct
  5. Collective Bargaining
  6. Grievance and Discipline
  7. Workers’ Participation in Management and Employers’ organizations


  1. Principles of Labour Legislation
  2. Constitutional Provisions
  3. International Labour Organisation(ILO)
  4. Wage Theories
  5. Transparency in Governance


  1. Foundations of Labour Welfare
  2. Social Security
  3. Industrial Health and Safety
  4. Labour Administration and Market


  1. Employee State Insurance ESI Act,1948
  2. Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
  3. Employee's Compensation Act, 1923
  4. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
  5. Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
  6. Trade Unions Act, 1926
  7. Minimum Wages Act, 1948
  8. Maternity Benefits Act, 1961
  9. Payment of Wages Act, 1936
  10. Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986
  11. Employees Provident Fund(EPF) Act,1952
  12. Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
  13. Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
  14. Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
  15. Factories Act 1948
  16. POSH Act,2013
  17. Apprentices Act 1961
  18. Employment Exchange Act 1959
  19. RTI Act,2005
  20. The Mines Act, 1952
  21. RPwD Act 2016
  22. Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized Occupants) Act
  23. CSR under Section 135 of Companies Act
  24. Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1948
  25. Code on wages,2019
  26. OSH and Working Conditions Code,2020
  27. Code on Social Security,2020
  28. Industrial Relations Code,2020


As per the CIL MT HR and Personnel Exam pattern,General Paper of Coal India Ltd Personnel and HR 2025 consist of topics like Quantitative Aptitude,Reasoning,General English and General Awareness/General Knowledge.


  1. Number System
  2. Simplification
  3. Averages
  4. Ratio and Proportion
  5. Work and Time
  6. Speed, Time and Distance
  7. Percentages
  8. Profit and Loss
  9. Partnership
  10. Ages
  11. Simple Interest
  12. Compound Interest
  13. Data Interpretation(DI) 


  1. Series Completion
  2. Analogy
  3. Coding and Decoding
  4. Blood Relations
  5. Directions
  6. Syllogism
  7. Seating Arrangement
  8. Statements and Arguments
  9. Assertion and Reason


  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Common Errors
  3. Jumble Sentences
  4. Close Test
  5. Phrase Replacement
  6. Synonyms and Antonyms
  7. One-word Substitutions


  1. Ancient History
  2. Medieval Indian History
  3. Modern Indian History
  4. Indian Polity and Constitution 
  5. Indian Economy
  6. Indian Geography
  7. Current Affairs with National and International events, Sports,Awards, Medal and social-political events

Pattern for Coal India Ltd MT HR/Personnel:

The CIL MT HR Exam is a highly competitive process that involves two stages. The Computer-Based Test (CBT) and the Personal Interview. It is essential to understand the exam pattern for effective preparation and time management. Knowing the pattern will help you strategize your approach, as it is a crucial factor in clearing this tough examination. 
The selection process begins with a Computer-Based Test, which assesses your aptitude, general knowledge, and HR domain expertise, followed by a Personal Interview round to evaluate your communication skills and professional acumen. Understanding the structure of both stages ensures that you are well-prepared for each part of the process.

The Computer-Based Online Test lasts for 3 hours, divided into two papers. Paper-I covers General Knowledge/Awareness, Reasoning, Numerical Ability, and General English with 100 questions worth 1 mark each. Paper-II is dedicated to Professional Knowledge related to your specific discipline, again with 100 multiple-choice questions. Both papers are equally important, with a total of 200 questions. Each question carries 1 mark, and there is no penalty for incorrect answers, which gives you an opportunity to attempt all questions without the fear of negative marking. The CBT is designed to test your overall aptitude and your in-depth knowledge of HR concepts.

If you are aiming to clear the CIL MT HR Exam, HRpreparation offers the best online courses to guide you through the preparation process. Their offerings include test series, comprehensive study materials, and expert strategies to help you master the exam pattern and excel in both the written test and interview stages. Check out the course details on our website to start your preparation today and give yourself the best chance to succeed.